The development and deepening of cooperation with foreign universities in scientific, educational and cultural spheres on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements.
Establishing and deepening cooperation with international funds, programs, scholarships (Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus +, Tempus and others).
Informing and advising on academic mobility programs for academics, professors and students.
Organization of presentations of grants, scholarships and other programs and activities aimed at enhancing the academic mobility of students of the University.
Administering and maintaining coordination of double degree programs.
Invitation of scientists and lecturers from other countries for lectures and joint research.
Conducting official correspondence with foreign universities and organizations.
Search for foreign, domestic both state and non-governmental organizations, structures and companies that specialize in studying abroad for citizens of their country or other countries.
Preparation of contracts and agreements with the above-mentioned structures, organizations, companies for recruitment of foreign nationals for study at the University.
Issuing invitations to foreigners for which the educational institution agrees to study (internship) at the university.
Control over the verification of documents submitted by foreign nationals upon admission and admission to the University in accordance with applicable law.
Bringing to the attention of foreign students the legislative framework and legal acts concerning this category of persons.
Supervision of timely registration of foreign students in the Department of the State Customs Service in accordance with the current legislation.
Generalization and reporting on the results of international activities of the University.